District 5: Butner Depot

Phone number: 919-620-0089
Driving Directions:
Coming from Durham, N.C.
- I-85 from Durham take Exit 182 (Red Mill Rd.)
- Turn LEFT onto RED MILL RD. follow (3.88 miles)
- Turn RIGHT onto TEKNIKA PKWY. follow (0.22 miles)
- Turn LEFT onto RED MILL RD. follow (0.54 miles)
- Turn RIGHT onto OLD OXFORD HWY. follow (3.18 miles)
- Turn RIGHT onto BRICKHOUSE RD. look for brown Waterfowl impoundment sign follow (2.00 miles)
- If you miss Brickhouse Rd. and get to the Federal Prison you have gone to far, turn around and take the 1st road on the left.
The vehicle used to tow the Huntmaster must be fully insured and meet all requirements specified for towing (Huntmaster weight specifications: 350 lb. tongue weight, 4260 lbs overall) requires minimum ½ ton or equivalent rated vehicle w/ standard 2” ball hitch and 12-volt 4-prong “flat” plug.