Whether you hunt, fish, boat or simply enjoy the outdoors-donate today to conserve and protect North Carolina's wild places through one of these conservation programs:
N.C. Wildlife Endowment Fund

By donating or purchasing a lifetime license, you are investing in the North Carolina Wildlife Endowment Fund. The income earned, not the principal, from this fund is invested in the future of fish and wildlife, and their habitats. Since the fund's inception in 1981, more than $100 million in earned income has been utilized on conservation programs and projects. You may also honor a loved one by donating in his/her name. Simply select that option on our Donate by Mail Form. To donate online, use the donation button below.
Donate Through Your Will or Living Trust
You may also make a tax-deductible contribution directly to the N.C. Wildlife Endowment Fund or designate the Fund as a beneficiary of a bequest through your will or living trust. For questions, please contact 919-707-0012.
Hunter Education Program

Your donation allows us to offer free hunter education courses throughout the year in all 100 counties. More than a firearm safety course, hunter education courses offer instruction that includes ethics and responsibility, conservation and wildlife management, wildlife identification, survival and first aid, specialty hunting and tree stand safety. Your donation and our work matter. In the last 20 years, hunter education has significantly reduced hunting accidents making hunting one of the safest recreational activities.
Honorariums or Memorial Contributions
When making a honorarium or memorial contribution, include the name and address of the person(s) making the donation as well as the name of the person(s) for whom the donation is being made. A card will be sent to the donor of the contribution.
N.C. Wildlife Diversity Endowment Fund

When you give a gift to the Wildlife Diversity Endowment Fund, you give a gift that protects nongame and other species of greatest conservation need in North Carolina. Your donation is placed into a fund and the income earned, not the principal, is spent on programs that benefit species not hunted or fished. Nongame projects are primarily funded through donations and every dollar applied to a project or program is matched with federal and other grants. You may also honor a loved one by donating in their name. Simply select that option on our Donate by Mail Form. To donate online, use the donation button below.
Donate Through Your Will or Living Trust
You may also make a tax-deductible contribution directly to the N.C. Wildlife Diversity Endowment Fund or designate the Fund as a beneficiary of a bequest through your will or living trust. For questions, please contact 919-707-0012.
Planned Giving - Land Trust Initiative
Preserve your family’s legacy for future generations by supporting the conservation of North Carolina’s wild places and the development of outdoor recreational opportunities for all North Carolinians. In partnership with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, the Wildlife and Outdoor Recreation Foundation (WORF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It was established to support charitable, scientific, educational, management and outreach activities that promote conservation, preservation, protection, and enhancement of outdoor and wildlife resources and related recreational opportunities in North Carolina.
Many options are available for land donations. Staff are available to answer any questions you may have about this inspired land trust initiative that benefits all North Carolinians.
You may also make a tax-deductible land contribution to Wildlife Commission via the Wildlife & Outdoor Recreation Foundation by designating the Foundation as a beneficiary of a bequest through your will or living trust. For questions, email or call 252-985-8445 today.
Other Ways to Donate

Get involved by donating your skills and time as a volunteer. Together, we can ensure a future for North Carolina’s wonderful wildlife and the habitats critical for their survival.
Save Lives, Become an Organ Donor

NCWRC has joined many other state and federal agencies promoting awareness to the importance of becoming an organ donor. Organ donation provides a life-giving, life-enhancing opportunity to those who are at the end of the line for hope. The following links provide additional information about organ, eye and tissue donation, including how to register to become a donor in your state.
NC Youth Outdoor Engagement Commission

Your donation provides opportunities for kids and teens to engage in outdoor recreational activities and develop a lasting appreciation for the state’s diverse outdoor resources. Your donation supports:
- Go Outside (GO) Grants: Provides funding for outdoor educational field trips and the construction of outdoor learning structures (e.g. agricultural facilities, archery ranges, fishing docks, educational nature trails).
- Trailblazers Outdoor Club: High school outdoor clubs for students to push boundaries in outdoor experiences and learn new hands-on skills, develop leadership and teambuilding potential, and make friends that have similar interests!
- Outdoor Patches: Incentivizes young North Carolinians to engage in outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping. Free patches for youth encourage and reward young North Carolinians for learning new outdoor skills.
All donations are tax-deductible. If making an honorarium or memorial contribution, please specify and include the name and address of the donor(s) and recipient(s). For more information contact Layne Randolph.
Land Donation

Establish the legacy of your commitment to our state’s resources by making your land available to benefit future generations and for conservation purposes by donating it for use as one of the following:
- Conservation – land managed to provide for wildlife habitats and public opportunities for hunting, fishing, trapping, and wildlife observation.
- Boating Access Area – provides the boating public with free access to the state’s waters.
- Public Fishing Access Area – provides the fishing public with free access to the banks of the state’s lakes, rivers, streams, and reservoirs.
If you are interested in donating your property and believe that it contains conservation value or offers opportunities for public boating or fishing access, please contact the agency’s Land Acquisition Manager at 919-707-0053.
Buy a Plate, Support Wildlife

Native Brook Trout License Plate
Your purchase of a native Brook Trout conservation plate supports projects to protect Brook Trout and provide angling access. As North Carolina’s only native trout, the Brook Trout is the official freshwater fish of our state.
Wildlife Conservation Plate
Your purchase of a Wildlife Conservation plate featuring the Pine Barrens Tree Frog supports projects that benefit nongame and their habitats through the N.C. Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Fund. As the official state frog of North Carolina, the frog is found in the pine forests and sandhills of south-central North Carolina. Biologists think populations are declining in the state because of habitat destruction and degradation.
Order Your Conservation Plate Today!
Visit DMV’s website, click “Order a Special or Personalized Plate”, then select “Choose a plate” under “Custom Plate Options” then select either “Native Brook Trout” or “Wildlife Resources” from the list of Custom Plate options.