About the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) is the state government agency created by the General Assembly in 1947 to conserve and sustain the state’s fish and wildlife resources through research, scientific management, wise use and public input. The NCWRC is the regulatory agency responsible for the enforcement of North Carolina’s fishing, hunting, trapping and boating laws.
The sale of hunting and fishing licenses, federal grants and other receipts provides financial support of the agency. The agency has an operational budget of approximately $100 million and employs approximately 700 full-time staff and 100 seasonal temporary staff across the state, including wildlife and fisheries biologists and technicians, wildlife law enforcement officers, wildlife educators, communication specialists, and customer service, information technology and administrative professionals.
Mission Statement
To conserve North Carolina’s wildlife resources and their habitats and provide programs and opportunities that allow hunters, anglers, boaters and other outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy wildlife-associated recreation.

2010 Strategic Plan
- 2024 Roanoke Striped Bass Harvest Season Proclamation (PDF)
- 2024 Peregrine Falcon Take (PDF)
- 2024 CWD County and Testing Proclamation (PDF)
- 2024 Migratory Game Bird Proclamation (PDF)
- 2024 National Hunting and Fishing Day (PDF)
- 2023 National Safe Boating Week Proclamation by Gov. Roy Cooper (PDF)
- 2023-24 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons and Extended Falconry Hunting Seasons (PDF)
- 2023 Peregrine Falcon Take (PDF)
- Suspending Striped Bass Harvest in the Roanoke River Management Area (PDF)
- Gov. Roy Cooper Proclaims Sept. 24, 2022 as National Hunting and Fishing Day (PDF)
- Gov. Roy Cooper Proclaims May 21-27, 2022 as National Safe Boating Week (PDF)
- 2022-23 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons and Extended Falconry Hunting Seasons (PDF)
- 2022 Peregrine Falcon Take (PDF)
- Suspending Striped Bass Harvest in the Roanoke River Management Area (PDF)
- 2021 Peregrine Falcon Take (PDF)
- 2021-2022 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons & Extended Falconry Seasons (PDF)
- 2021 Striped Bass Harvest Season in the Roanoke River Management Area (PDF)
- 2019-2020 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons and Extended Falconry Seasons (PDF)
- Peregrine Falcon Take (PDF)
- Suspending Recreational Striped Bass Harvest (PDF)
- Take of One Juvenile Peregrine Falcon for Falconry (PDF)
- Migratory Birds Waterfowl and Extended Falconry Seasons (PDF)
Resolution of the North Carolina WIldlife Resources Commission Honoring Dr. Reid Wilson Laney (PDF)
- Resolution of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Honoring Jean Beasley (PDF)
- Resolution of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Honoring Duane Raver (PDF)
- Resolution Supporting Annual Funding for the Wildlife Conservation Restoration Program (PDF)
- Resolution of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Honoring Allen Boynton (PDF)
- Honoring John Litton Clark (PDF)
- Supporting Legislation to Enhance Hunting Opportunities on Sundays (PDF)
- Endowment Fund Annual Allocation (PDF)
- Requiring Academic Institutions to Match Funds - Fed Funded Coop Project 2016 (PDF)
- Proposed Establishment of Elk Hunting Season in NC (PDF)
- Proposed Alligator Hunting Season in NC (PDF)
- Wildlife Conservation Restoration Program (PDF)
- Honoring Mallory Martin (PDF)
- Endorsing 2015 Wildlife Action Plan (PDF)
- Honoring Jim Cogdell (PDF)
- Outdoor Heritage Act (PDF)
- Requesting USFWS Declare the Red Wolf Extinct in the Wild and Terminate the Red Wolf Reintroduction Program in Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties (PDF)
- Requesting USFWS Remove Red Wolves Released Onto Private Lands in the Red Wolf Recovery Area Located in Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties (PDF)
- Nongame Wildlife Advisory Committee (PDF)
- Process Foods Products (PDF)
- Moles as Pests (PDF)