District 3: Tillery Depot

Phone number: 252-826-3215
Driving Directions:
- The Tillery Depot Office is located at 868 NC Hwy 481, Tillery, NC 27887. From Raleigh take US Hwy 64 East towards Rocky Mount.
- At the IH-95/ US Hwy 64 junction, turn North on IH-95 N towards Richmond travel appx 16 miles to exit 154 NC Hwy 481, Enfield. Exit IH-95 and head east towards Enfield on NC Hwy 481, continue on NC Hwy 481 through Enfield towards Tillery.
- Travel across NC Hwy 125/903 and depot entrance is approximately 4 miles on left. If you get to stop sign at NC Hwy 481 and NC Hwy 561 junction, you have gone about ¾ mile too far.
The vehicle used to tow the Huntmaster must be fully insured and meet all requirements specified for towing (Huntmaster weight specifications: 350 lb. tongue weight, 4260 lbs overall) requires minimum ½ ton or equivalent rated vehicle w/ standard 2” ball hitch and 12-volt 4-prong “flat” plug.