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Officials with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission have announced the approved season dates, bag limits and applicable regulations for the 2024-25 waterfowl, webless migratory game bird (including doves) and extended falconry seasons.

The N.C.

In response to the recent incident in which a group of people were videotaped pulling two very young cubs out of a tree at an Ash

Please note: since this press release was published, the dates for the Setzer Hatchery renovation have been changed. The information has been updated below.

This Tuesday, March 19, we officially welcome back spring. Some familiar (and not-so-familiar) critters begin emerging from their winter slumbers and start producing offspring.

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) is seeking public comment on the 2024-2025 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons for waterfowl, webless migratory species and extended falconry. 

The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) welcomes returning Commissioner Joseph (Joe) R. Budd of Winston-Salem to its governing board. Budd was sworn in on Jan 30. He previously served as NCWRC’s District 7 commissioner from 2014 to 2020. 

What may initially appear to be just a pile of brush, a crawl space or a hollowed-out tree, may actually be the winter home of a bear, and possibly its cubs.