Mourning Dove

Scientific Name: Zenaida macroura
Classification: Game Species
Abundance: Common throughout state
In the early mornings of late January and early February, mourning doves in North Carolina begin cooing and making their circling courtship flights. Mourning doves, often seen migrating in large flocks, begin to break up and form pairs. Named for their long tails and melancholy bird call, mourning doves have been classified as a game bird by the federal government and 39 states, including North Carolina.
The mourning dove has a thin, delicate-looking bill, a neat head, and a long, graduated tail bordered with large white spots. The colors of the female are duller than the gray-brown adult males. At close range, adult males can be distinguished by purple-pink iridescent feathers on the neck and light pink on the breast. The upper part of the throat is whitish. Legs and feet are dull red or purplish red.

Includes mourning and white-winged dove
Migratory Game Birds Regulations
Other information
Dove Hunting in North Carolina (summary of regulations and safety tips)
Interactive Game Land Map with Dove Fields
Related Links
Mourning Dove National Harvest Plan (PDF - 1.20MB)
Wildlife Science: Mourning Dove Banding (YouTube Video)
Hunter Harvest Survey Estimates
Report Bird Bands
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