Game Land Management Plans
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission manages over 2 million acres of game lands for the conservation of wildlife species and to provide public access for hunting, fishing, trapping, and other outdoor recreational opportunities. The management of game lands involves balancing science-based conservation practices with public access and usage.
In 2013, the Commission began to develop game land management plans for individual or groups of small game lands that are owned by the Commission. The goal of the game land management plans is to provide a framework that will help guide the management of these public lands into the future. In order to ensure the public that use or are interested in how game lands are managed had a chance to comment, the Commission solicited public input at local meetings and online.
The resulting Game Land Management Plans are presented here. It should be noted that these plans are not intended to be an absolute road map for the management of the game lands presented. Instead, they are the culmination of a broad array of input, ideas, and needs expressed by land managers and the public users of our game lands. The plans are living documents and are subject to change as conditions and conservation and public needs change. The opportunities provided by these managed public lands are key to the Commission’s mission of conserving North Carolina’s wildlife resources and their habitats and providing opportunities for hunters, anglers, and other outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy wildlife-associated recreation.
Interactive Game Land Map

Open the interactive map to search game lands by county or address, filter by specific species or facilities. You may get driving directions to game lands, download game land maps, rules and regulations, and print an area of interest.
- Buffalo Cove, Mitchell River & Thurmond Chatham (17 MB PDF)
- Cold Mountain (10 MB PDF)
- Green River (13 MB PDF)
- Johns River & South Mountains (19 MB PDF)
- Needmore (14 MB PDF)
- Pisgah WRC (12 MB PDF)
- Pond Mountain & Three Top Mountain (24 MB PDF)
- Sandy Mush (39 MB PDF)
- Caswell (42 MB PDF)
- Pee Dee River (14 MB PDF)
- Sandhills (2 MB PDF)
- Upper Tar (14 MB PDF)
- Brinkleyville
- Embro
- Sandy Creek
- Shocco Creek
- Bertie County (9 MB PDF)
- Brunswick & Columbus County Complex (17 MB PDF)
- Chowan Swamp (15 MB PDF)
- Goose Creek (16 MB PDF)
- Holly Shelter (35 MB PDF)
- J. Morgan-Futch (7 MB PDF)
- Lower Roanoke River Wetlands (68 MB PDF)
- Neuse River (14 MB PDF)
- Stones Creek (24 MB PDF)
- Suggs Mill Pond (10 MB PDF)
- Van Swamp (6 MB PDF)
- Whitehall Plantation (20 MB PDF)