Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides are the most widely distributed black bass species within North Carolina. Largemouth Bass can be caught from mountain rivers to coastal bays. North Carolina anglers can usually find waters that contain Largemouth Bass within a short distance from their homes; they can catch bass that could potentially reach trophy sizes of 7 to 12 lbs.
Largemouth Bass are native throughout North Carolina and are the only native black bass in the coastal plain of North Carolina. Originally found from southeastern Canada through the Great Lakes; south down the Mississippi Valley to Mexico and Florida; and up the Atlantic coast as far north as southern Maryland. Introductions in other areas have occurred and today, Largemouth Bass are found throughout the continental United States, Hawaii, and southeastern Canadian lakes.
Largemouth Bass in North Carolina have genetic lineage to two subspecies, Northern Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides salmoides and Florida Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides floridanus. The NCWRC has been working to inventory the genetic makeup of bass within the state. More info on North Carolina’s black bass genetics efforts can be found below.
Largemouth Bass are at particularly low risk of extirpation due to their widespread occurrence in North Carolina. The invasive Alabama Bass poses a substantial threat to North Carolina’s Largemouth Bass fisheries. Alabama Bass cause needless competition and exclude Largemouth Bass from most of the habitat in a lake.
Conservation Status
Statewide Largemouth Bass Genetic Inventory
In collaboration with Yale University, coastal fisheries staff collected Largemouth Bass samples in 2021 as a part of a regional study to assess the phenotype and genotypes of Largemouth Bass in systems below the fall line in coastal systems of the southeastern U.S. Staff submitted genetic samples from the Tar, Neuse, New, and Chowan rivers as well as Phelps, Mattamuskeet, and Singletary lakes. This study will provide phylogenetic insights to the distribution of Florida Largemouth Bass, generally considered to only be in Florida. Recent genetic research suggests that Florida Largemouth Bass alleles are dominant in Largemouth Bass in the coastal region and this study is anticipated to provide a better understanding of why these Florida Largemouth Bass alleles are in higher proportion in these systems compared to research conducted in the 1940s.
In collaboration with Auburn University, NCWRC Inland Fisheries staff have collected Largemouth Bass from a wide range of waterbodies across the entire state of North Carolina, from Murphy to Manteo. This study will provide new insights into the genetic makeup of Largemouth Bass including the percentage of northern Largemouth Bass and Florida Largemouth Bass DNA within each population sampled. Recent results from this on-going research effort indicate that both northern Largemouth Bass and Florida largemouth Bass genes are present in every population sampled to date. Interestingly, Florida Largemouth Bass genes are more prevalent in costal populations, whereas, northern Largemouth Bass genes appear more often discovered in populations in the western mountains. The Piedmont or central portion of the NC, known for its prominent Largemouth bass fisheries, has generally revealed an even mix of both northern Largemouth Bass and Florida Largemouth genetics. Learn more about NC Bass population genetics information such as hybridization rates and uniqueness in North Carolina.
Black Bass Identification
Below is a comparison of the Alabama Bass, Bartram's Bass, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, and Spotted Bass. Images courtesy of Black Bass iNaturalist.

Reports, Summaries & Publications
PDFs-Open in New Tab
External Websites - Open in New Tab
2022 - Lake Hickory Black Bass Surveys (2008–2018)
2022 - McKinney Lake Feeding Program: Bluegill and Largemouth Bass Stock Assessment (2022)
2021 - Analysis of B. Everett Jordan Lake Largemouth Bass Mortality and Catch-at-Age Trends (1989–2016)
2021 - Movement of Acoustic Tagged Largemouth Bass in Relation to Lake Level and Water Quality at Lake Mattamuskeet and Surrounding Canals (22-page Final Report)
2021 - 2020 Sport Fish Survey of the Neuse River
2020 - Santeetlah Reservoir Largemouth Bass Survey (2013–2015)
2020 - Addressing an 18-year Largemouth Bass trophy regulation at Lake Phelps
2019 - Rankin Lake Largemouth Bass Survey (2011–2018)
2019 - Lake Wylie Largemouth Bass Survey (2015–2017)
2019 - Lake Fontana Black Bass Electrofishing Survey (2007–2008)
2018 - W. Kerr Scott Reservoir Black Bass Survey (2016)
2018 - Lake Adger Largemouth Bass Survey (2016)
2017 - Salem Lake Largemouth Bass Report (2016)
2017 - Lake Hampton Largemouth Bass Surveys (2015–2016)
2017 - Lookout Shoals Lake Largemouth Bass Survey (2015)
2016 - Characteristics of Recreationally Important Fish Populations of the White Oak River
2015 - Assessment of Largemouth Bass and Pumpkinseed at Lake Phelps, 2013-2014
2015 - Salem Lake Largemouth Bass Survey Report (2015)
2014 - W. Kerr Scott Reservoir Black Bass Survey (2011)
2014 - Salem Lake Largemouth Bass Report (2013)
2014 - Lake James Largemouth Bass Survey (2010–2011)
2014 - Survey Report on Largemouth Bass and Sunfish in Neuse, Trent, and Pungo Rivers
2014 - Chowan River Largemouth Bass Response following Hurricane Irene
2014 - Sutton Lake Largemouth Bass Survey 2010-2013
2014 - Lake Mattamuskeet Sport Fish Survey
2012 - Sportfish populations in Little, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Scuppernong and Yeopim Rivers
2012 - Belews Lake Largemouth Bass Survey (2007–2009)
2011 - Moss Lake Black Bass Survey (2008–2010)
2011 - Lookout Shoals Lake Largemouth Bass Survey (2008–2010)
2009 - Fish Assemblage Response Following a Hurricane-induced Fish Kill in the Lower Roanoke River, NC
2008 - Largemouth Bass Assessment at B. Everett Jordan Reservoir, 2008
2007 - Assessment of Largemouth Bass at Falls of the Neuse Reservoir, 2007
2007- Lake Rhodhiss Largemouth Bass Survey (2005–2007)
2007- Lake Hickory Largemouth Bass Survey (2004–2006)
2022 – Cane Creek Reservoir Largemouth Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – Haw River Angler Diary Program (2020–2022)
2022 – High Rock Lake Largemouth Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – Hyco Lake Largemouth Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – Lake Gaston Black Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – Lake Lucas Largemouth Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – Lake Reese Largemouth Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – Lake Tillery Largemouth Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – Mountain Island Lake Black Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – S.R. Farmer Lake Largemouth Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – Tar River Reservoir Largemouth Bass Survey (2022)
2022 – Black River Fisheries Resources Survey Summary (2020)
2022 – New River Inland Game Fish Community Survey (2021)
2021 - Lake Norman F1 Largemouth Bass Stocking and Evaluation, 2021-2030
2021 - Angler Use Patterns on Randleman Lake
2020 - Project Update: Lake Norman F1 Largemouth Bass Stocking and Evaluation
2020 - An Overview of the Shearon Harris Reservoir Habitat Enhancement Project-UPDATE
2020 - Overview of Lake Mattamuskeet Largemouth Bass Surveys
2020 - An Overview of the Jordan Lake Largemouth Bass Fishery 2006-2016
2020 - Largemouth Bass Fishery in Randleman Lake
2020 - Lake Phelps Angler Creel Survey September 2016-August 2017
2020 - Status of Largemouth Bass and Sunfish in Lake Phelps
2019 - Sportfish Survey in the New River, Onslow County-2018
2019 - Largemouth Bass Stunting and the Prevalence of Small Bass
2018 - Badin Lake Largemouth Bass Population Assessment - 2017
2018 - An Overview of the Lake Gaston Largemouth Bass Fishery (2010-2016)
2018 - An Overview of the Falls Lake Largemouth Bass Fishery (2007-2015)
2018 - Long-term Assessment and Adaptive Management of Sutton Lake Largemouth Bass
2018 - Status of Largemouth Bass and Pumpkinseed in Lake Phelps - 2017
2017 - Lake Mattamuskeet Largemouth Bass Stocking Evaluation August 2017
2017 - An Overview of the Shearon Harris Reservoir Largemouth Bass Fishery 2007-2017
2012 - Cape Fear River Black Bass Survey
2012 - Lookout Shoals Lake Largemouth Bass Assessment
2011 - Lake Lucas Largemouth Bass Assessment
2011 - Hyco Lake Largemouth Bass Assessment
2011 - Oak Hollow Lake Largemouth Bass Assessment
2011 - Sportfish populations in Northwest River and Tulls Creek
2010 - White Oak and New Rivers Boast Quality Sunfish Fishing Opportunities in Coastal North Carolina
2009 - Popularity Contest Winners Announced: Largemouth Bass and Striped Bass Tops Among Tar River Anglers
2009 - Chowan River a Favorite Among Largemouth Bass Anglers
2009 - Evaluation of the Black Bass Population in Lake James, North Carolina
2009 - The Influence of Growth and Mortality on Largemouth Bass Size in Coastal Rivers
2006 - Lake Norman Fisheries Sampling and Assessment
2006 - Trophy Largemouth Bass Management at Lake Phelps
2003 - Potential Value of Neuse River Recreational Fishery Tops $4,000,000 a Year
Hurricane Response Reports
2016 - Recovery of Largemouth Bass in the Roanoke and Cashie Rivers Following Hurricane Irene (2011-2014)
2014 - Post Hurricane Irene Sportfish Response in the Northeast Cape Fear River (2011-2013)
2013 - Post Hurricane Irene Sportfish Response for New and White Oak Rivers (2011-2012)
2013 - Neuse and Trent Rivers Sportfish Community Recovery after Hurricane Irene (2010-2012)
2013 - Sportfish Survey of Coastal Rivers in Northeast North Carolina Before and After Hurrican Irene (2011-2012)
2009 - Stocking LMB after Hurricane Isabel (2004-2007)
2022 - Largemouth Bass Hatchery Contributions Quantified via Parentage-Based Tagging (external website)
2017 - Relationships Among Catch, Angler Satisfaction, and Fish Assemblage Characteristics of an Urban Impoundment Fishery (external website)
2016 - Changes in Black Bass Population Characteristics after the Introduction of Alabama Bass in Lake Norman, North Carolina (external website)
2015 - Dispersal Patterns of Coastal Largemouth Bass in Response to Tournament Displacement (external website)
2015 - Responses of Coastal Largemouth Bass to Episodic Hypoxia (external website)
2010 - Relationship between Discharge and Electrofishing Catch-per-unit Effort of Largemouth Bass in the Neuse River, North Carolina (external website)
2009 - Investigating Interactions between Largemouth and Spotted Bass, Lake Norman, North Carolina (external website)
2006 - Fish Assemblage Reponse Following a Hurricane-induced Fish Kill in the Lower Roanoke River, North Carolina (external website)
Related Links
Aquatic Nuisance Species - Learn more about aquatic nuisance species in North Carolina, how they got here, and what the NCWRC is doing to protect your waters.
N.C. Stream Conditions - a list of websites that provide information on current stream flow conditions and projected release schedules from hydro power stations.
North Carolina Fishing Records and Angler Recognition Program - North Carolina has four programs that officially recognize anglers who have caught large fish.
Where to Fish - Interactive map of publicly accessible fishing opportunities in western North Carolina streams, rivers, and reservoirs.
NC Fishes - more information and photos of fishes in North Carolina. (External website)
Protect Your Waters From Aquatic Hitchhikers - Learn how to prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species through basic gear care procedures. (External website)
Bass Anglers Sportsman Society Conservation News – links to Keeping Bass Alive Guides, Bassmaster Conservation Directors, and aquatic conservation news (External website)
Major League Fishing Fish Management Division – links to the Fish Management Division of the Major League Fishing tournament circuit and more (External website)