Carolina Needlenose Crayfish
Scientific Name: Cambarus P. aldermanorum
Classification: Nongame Fish - Crustacean
A selection of species found in North Carolina.
Scientific Name: Cambarus P. aldermanorum
Classification: Nongame Fish - Crustacean
Scientific Name: Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus
Classification: Nongame-Endangered
Abundance: Rare
Scientific Name: Moxostoma sp. ‘Carolina’
Classification: State Threatened
Abundance: Rare (green areas)
Non-venomous watersnake
Scientific Name: Seminatrix pygaea
Information hosted elsewhere
Scientific Name: Rana virgatipes
Classification: Nongame species
Range: Abundant (blue)
Scientific Name: Esox niger
Classification: Game Fish
Abundance: Commonly found in slow-flowing streams, lakes and swamps of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain.
Scientific Name: Ictalurus punctatus
Classification: Nongame Fish
Abundance: Common throughout NC.
Scientific Name(s): Plethodon cheoah, Plethodon shermani
Description: These two species were formerly considered subspecies of the Jordan’s salamander (Plethodon jordani).
Information hosted elsewhere
Scientific Name: Rallus crepitans
Classification: Game Species
Abundance: Coast (blue area)
Scientific Name: Cyprinus carpio
Classification: Nongame Fish
Abundance: Common throughout the state