Wabash Pigtoe

Scientific Name: Fusconaia flava
Classification: State Extirpated
Photo Credit: NCWRC

The Wabash pigtoe is a relatively thick-shelled species, ranging in shape from squarish to triangular. The periostracum is golden brown with a satiny texture in younger individuals but darkens with age. The nacre is usually white with posterior iridescence. The hinge teeth are heavy with a broad interdentum. There are two pseudocardinal teeth and two lateral teeth in the left valve. The pseudocardinals are triangular and serrated. The single pseudocardinal tooth in the right valve is also triangular and serrated; there is only one lateral tooth in the right valve. (Parmalee and Bogan 1998).
The Wabash pigtoe ranges throughout the Mississippi River Basin. It is also found in the Tombigbee River, Alabama. This species is no longer found in North Carolina. Historical Distribution by County: Watauga Co. (Watauga River)

Habitat Preferences
Substrate stability may be an important habitat characteristic for this species. Parmalee and Bogan (1998) report finding this species in stable coarse sand and gravel, while Manning (1989) found this species in "firm clay and silt."
Life History
This is a tachytictic species, breeding from May to August (Parmalee and Bogan 1998). Known fish hosts include white crappie, black crappie, and bluegill (Fuller 1974).
General Life History for Mussels
Shell Anatomy