Carolina Creekshell

Scientific Name: Villosa vaughaniana
Classification: State Endangered
Photo Credit: NCWRC

NOTE: Hover over the bold words for definitions or see the Glossary.
This species was described by Isaac Lea in 1838. The Carolina creekshell is sexually dimorphic. In males, the ventral margin is curved from anterior to posterior producing an elliptical shell shape; while, in females, the posterior end is expanded to accommodate the marsupium so that the shell shape is somewhat trapezoidal. The periostracum is usually golden brown with narrow green rays but may become dark brown or black with age. There are two pseudocardinal teeth in each valve. The lateral teeth are well developed; two in the left valve, one in the right valve. The nacre is white to bluish-white and iridescent; some shells may have a salmon wash along the ventral margin.
The Carolina creekshell can be confused with the Eastern creekshell, Villosa delumbis, but the two may be distinguished by a number of characters. The periostracum is usually yellow in V. delumbis, golden brown in V. vaughaniana. V. delumbis usually has wide broken rays rather than complete rays as seen on V. vaughaniana. Finally, the marsupium of V. delumbis has a dark margin;while, it is ivory colored in V.vaughaniana.
Shell Anatomy

Distribution byCounty: Cape Fear River Basin: Bladen Co. (Black River Subbasin); CumberlandCo. (Cape Fear River); Pender Co. (Black River Subbasin); Sampson Co. (BlackRiver Subbasin). Lumber River Basin: Robeson Co. (Ashpole Swamp, Aarons Swamp).Neuse River Basin: Johnston Co. (Swift Cr. and Little River subbasins). NOTE:All headwater areas that flow into these occupied habitats should receivespecial management.

Habitat Preferences
The Carolina creekshell is usually found in silty sand or clay along the banks of small streams. In areas of abundance, they have also been found occupying substrates of mixed sand and gravel.
Life History
This species is bradytictic; fish hosts are unknown at this time.