
Scientific Name: Lynx rufus
Classification: Game Species and Furbearer
Abundance: Common throughout state
The bobcat gets its name from its short tail (about 5 inches long) that is dark above and white below, coloring that may serve a signaling function. The bobcat’s fur is short, dense and soft and is light brown to reddish brown on the back. The underside and insides of the legs are white with dark spots or bars.
The fur down the middle of the back may be darker, and bobcats may be grayer in the winter than at other times of the year. Adult bobcats are about two times as large as a domestic cat, standing 20 inches to 30 inches at the shoulder. Adult weights range from 10 to 40 pounds, with males being about one third larger than females.
Although bobcats are found in a wide range of habitats in North Carolina, wooded habitats of the Coastal Plain and mountains support the largest numbers.
Bottomland hardwoods, young pine stands, swamps and pocosins provide good bobcat habitation in eastern North Carolina. In the mountains, mature forests with openings or early successional forests nearby are favored. Hollow trees, rock piles, brush piles, root masses of uprooted trees or similar sites are common bobcat dens.
The bobcat is a carnivore that favors early successional prey such as rabbits and mice. Bobcats may also consume birds, cotton rats, white-tailed deer, rodents, gray squirrels, raccoons, opossums and snakes.
Bobcats are active year-round and can be active day or night, but tend to exhibit crepuscular (dawn and dusk) activity. Bobcats are solitary except during the breeding season, which usually occurs during February or March.
Because the bobcat population is abundant, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) authorizes a sustainable hunting and trapping season in all regions of the state. Despite declining fur prices, the pelt of a bobcat is still highly valued since the bobcat is a highly valuable natural resource in North Carolina.
Have a Problem?
Bobcats are very adaptable and will use a wide variety of habitats, enabling them to live close to people. However, due to their secretive behaviors, they often go undetected. While bobcats may appear in close proximity to development, they are generally wary of people and often run away when detected by people. Their presence alone in a neighborhood is not a cause for concern. In fact, due to their elusive nature, it is a rarity to see a bobcat.
Preventing Conflicts with Bobcats:
- Install predator-proof fencing to protect small livestock. A truly predator-proof enclosure will include wire buried at least 6 inches deep around the perimeter. Alternatively, you can bend the wire outward from the spot where the fencing meets the ground and extend it for at least 12 inches across the soil surface, going away from the coop. Secure the wire to the ground with deep landscape staples to keep predators from pushing under the edges. Finally, for a fully secure run, you will need a wire or solid roof over the entire run area.
- Secure garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids. Garbage cans can be secured with a bungee strap, ratchet strap or latch. Bobcats and other wildlife will scavenge trash.
- Feed pets indoors or remove food when your pet is finished eating outside. Bobcats and other wildlife are attracted to pet food left outdoors.
- Keep bird-feeder areas clean and use bird feeders that keep seed off the ground. Bobcats are attracted to small mammals congregating on the ground. If a bobcat is frequently seen, remove all feeders.
- Don’t intentionally feed bobcats. Feeding bobcats rewards that animal for coming in close proximity to people. Once a bobcat becomes habituated, it loses its natural wariness of people and may become bold and aggressive.
If you already have a problem with a bobcat:
Contact a Wildlife Damage Control Agent (WDCA), a private individual who charges for his/her services. A list of WDCAs can be found at
Bobcats can be trapped during the regulated trapping season. Visit for trapping seasons, license requirements and other restrictions. A list of trappers can be found at
Bobcats can be hunted during the regulated hunting season. However, check to see if local ordinances restrict the discharge of firearms and visit for hunting season dates, license requirements, and other restrictions.
Cooperator Program
The WRC is looking for skulls from harvested bobcats. The teeth collected from skulls helps us determine the age of animals harvested, which is turn helps us track populations.
If you are interested in participating, please see the flier for contact information.
Furbearer Cooperator Flier (PDF 533 KB)
Bobcat Range (pdf)