Topics Related to Fish

Scientific Name: Notropis mekistocholas
Classification: Federally Endangered, State Endangered
Abundance: Extremely rare; found only in the Cape Fear River basin
in the North Carolina Piedmont

Scientific Name:Acipenser oxyrinchus
Classification:  Nongame Fish
Abundance: Rare; federally endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

Scientific Name: Oncorhyncus mykiss
Classification: Game Fish
Abundance: Mountain region in the western part of the state.


Scientific Name: Salmo trutta
Classification:  Game Fish
Abundance: Found in the mountain region in the western part of the state (green area).

Scientific Name: Morone saxatilis

Classification:  Game Fish 

Abundance: Coastal rivers during spring spawning runs, and stocked in reservoirs throughout NC.

Scientific Name: Salvelinus fontinalis
Classification:  Game Fish
Abundance: Mountain region in the western part of the state (green).

Scientific Name: Ambloplites rupestris

Classification: Game Fish

Abundance: Common in many of the coolwater rivers in western NC.


Scientific Name: Ambloplites cavifrons
Classification: Game Fish

Abundance: Found primarily in the Tar and Neuse River drainages of NC.


Scientific Name: Morone saxatilis x Morone chrysops

Classification:  Game Fish

Abundance: Stocked in several Piedmont reservoirs.


Scientific Name: Lepomis microlophus

Classification: Game Fish

Abundance: Common throughout NC.