Author: NCWRC blogger
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission will once again be at the 2023 N.C. State Fair in Raleigh from Oct. 12-22. Our exhibit and its location have changed this year. Historically, the main attraction at our exhibit has been the pellet range and unfortunately, we are no longer able to acquire the pellet gun equipment necessary to operate the range. Given that, our new open-air exhibit will be located just inside Gate 7 in an area up from the NC Forest Service and NC Soil & Water Conservation. It will showcase unique equipment used by wildlife professionals in the conservation of wildlife and habitat restoration and will be a self-guided exhibit, with information posted about how the equipment is used to help meet North Carolina’s conservation needs. See map below (circled in red).
In addition to the equipment exhibit, the Wildlife Commission’s law enforcement will have a booth in Safety City by Gate 10. Visitors of all ages will enjoy our boat display and will have the opportunity to ask wildlife officers about their role in conservation and all things related to boating, hunting, fishing and trapping.
And for all the button collectors out there, the law enforcement booth is where you can pick up the 2023 Wildlife in North Carolina magazine’s commemorative button. This year’s button features the Northern Cardinal. This popular button made its debut at the Wildlife Commission’s State Fair exhibit in 1981. Since then, it has become a “must-have” collector’s item for thousands of people who visit the fair each year.